Hope is a micro walking-sim telling a personal narrative about my experience in the games industry and the connection between the things I do and how I value and see myself as an individual.

Fact Sheet

Release Date: July 2020
Platforms: Windows PC
Price: Free

Gameplay footage of Hope

It is not often that I get inspired by by the work of others to the point where I have to drop everything and start working on something new, or creative. However I stumbled across two small games, shared on Twitter, that dealt with personal and emotional narratives.

Both of these experiences really resonated with me, in their own way and I decided to use games as a way to unpack and process my personal experience with entering, and relatively swiftly exiting, the games industry. How I dealt with uncoupling my identity from my hobby and work and generally how I feel now as I learn to balance that desire with being happy in other areas in my life.

Hope was designed from the ground up to be small. Not only because the narrative demanded it but to allow me to finish and publish something new in the games space. While I enjoy my work on the web it has dominated my projects feed recently and Hope was designed to break that cycle somewhat and get me back into Unity.

If you felt this game resonated with you, or you just want to reach out to talk about it, please reach me on any of the social links in the footer. Or feel free to leave a comment on the store page.